Dear Me,
I know you were taught to hold on. To keep the peace. To be the bigger person. You were told that burning bridges is reckless because “you never know when you might need someone again.” That even when people hurt you, ridicule you, or make you question your worth, you should stay connected—just in case.
But today, I want you to unlearn that.
I want you to understand that not everyone deserves a permanent seat in your life. Some people were only meant to teach you a lesson, not take up space in your future. You do not have to keep doors open for those who slammed them in your face. You do not have to play nice with people who never valued your kindness.
Let’s be clear: releasing someone from your life is not an act of hate—it’s an act of self-respect.
You are not required to keep relationships out of fear or obligation. The people who truly love you will never put you in a position where you have to sacrifice your peace just to keep them around.
And let’s talk about that idea of “needing someone someday.”
I pray that you never have to rely on someone who has hurt you. I pray that God provides for you so abundantly that your needs are met without ever having to revisit the past. I pray that you become so grounded in your worth that you never feel compelled to keep unhealthy connections just to avoid being alone.
Instead of fearing who you might lose, start asking yourself: Who do I become when I finally let go?
Letting go doesn’t mean you hate them. It doesn’t mean you’re bitter. It means you’re choosing yourself. You’re choosing growth over guilt. Peace over pressure. A life that aligns with your highest self, not one that keeps you small to make others comfortable.
So, to the version of me that hesitates when it’s time to walk away—trust that there is more ahead of you than behind you. What’s meant for you will never require you to beg, shrink, or betray yourself.
Let them go. And let yourself grow.
With love,